Robert A. Curry
Robert Curry retired recently after teaching l music for 46 years — 2 years in Colorado and 30 years in Utah including 24 at Highland High School in Salt Lake City, nine years in Shenandoah County, Virginia and five years at Eastern Mennonite University. The GRAMMY Foundation recognized Highland HS on four occasions as a GRAMMY Signature School. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana; a Master of Arts degree from Brigham Young University; and has completed post-graduate study at the University of Utah. Mr. Curry has had articles published in The Instrumentalist, Teaching Theatre, and the Interface, the journal of the Utah National Association for Music Education. He has also graded Advanced Placement Music Theory tests. The College Board published his AP Music Theory curriculum in the 2007 edition of the Teachers’ Guide for AP Music Theory. Mr. Curry has composed and arranged orchestra music published by Tempo Press and Wingert-Jones; and was the editor of Mahew Lake’s band arrangement of The Barber of Seville Overture published by Carl Fischer. He has been listed in Who’s Who in American Education three times and Who’s Who in America on one occasion.
An active performer, he has performed with the Salt Lake Symphonic Winds and was assistant conductor of the ensemble for several years. In Harrisonburg he performs with Just Jazzin’, an adult community big band and has substituted in various ensembles in the area. He has been married to Dr. Vicki Curry, a recently retired JMU professor, for 46 years. They have two children.
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