Ian David Coleman

Born and raised in Bristol, England but now residing in the United States, Ian has been developing a growing reputation as a composer and arranger in American and beyond. His music, which is challenging, yet accessible, has been performed in the States, Europe and New Zealand and he has had the privilege of writing for and working with a number of musicians from international to local performers including: The Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, The Simon Carrington Chamber Singers, The King’s Singers, renowned British organist David Goode, the New Plymouth Orchestra in New Zealand and the Lyric Arts Trio and various collegiate and high school ensembles.

Ian enjoys working with young musicians, helping to create music that is challenging yet accessible. He particularly enjoys commissions that lead to interaction between the composer and the ensemble and which can help to foster a co-creating partnership for all involved in the performance. To this end, most recently, he has been involved in a collaborative project with a high school in his home town of Liberty, Missouri, which is a response to the students experiences during the global pandemic.

Alongside his career as a composer, Ian is a noted teacher of music theory and composition and has lead the Department of Performing Arts at William Jewell College since 2004.

Named a finalist in the 2015 American Prize for his Choral Symphony ‘Leitourgia’, his music is published by Wingert Jones and Alliance music publishers.

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